Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our life in August...



Clara-1 month

We love you Clarinha and we are very happy you are part of this family.

Angel Juju

Gift of God in our lives.


We love to have friends over. Isabella had a lot of fun with Matthew and Harper and Mom caught up with Rosani and Liz.

Gibson and Freddy

It was really good to have Gibson and Freddy visiting us for a couple of days, unfortunately it was a short visit and Laurel and Pat couldn't come. We hope we can have everybody together sooner than later. We love you.
Ps: thank you so much for the beautiful shirts for the girls!

Vovo Joao came to visit us Aug18-30

Isabella turned 2 on Aug 21st

Happy birthday sweet girl. You are unbelievable!!!!
May God bless every day of your life with a lot of health and joy. We LOVE you eternally.