Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vacation in Brazil- April 2011

Vo Beatriz 85th birthday

My grandmother turned 85! I'm happy we were there to celebrate with her and to see my mom's family. Tia kal, it was great seeing you, Bichinho and the boys, I hope it does not take this long again for us to get together. Xoxo

Juiz de Fora

I'm very happy Isabella and I finally had a chance to meet cousin Gustavo! It was so good to see a couple that I love and respect a lot: Aydra and Franco.
Stella, you are as sweet as always.
Gu, you are cute and funny, come visit us!

Juiz de Fora

Thank you Tio Marcelo for driving almost 8 hours each way to take us to JF!
It was really good to see Tia Fatima, Tio Ze Luis and Luana, thank you for having us. We love you. Looking forward to seeing you in Boston soon.


Fun time!

A day in a farm

"Step family"

Thank you Tio Zeze and Tia Jussara for all the love and help. Isabella and her big sisters: Priscila and Tarsila. We love you. Marcelo, we love you too!


Isabella had such a great time playing with her cousins, they were all very sweet with her.