Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas Feliz Natal

Wishing all our family and friends the best Christmas ever, filled with joy, peace, love, health and faith.
Feliz Natal

4 months

What, 4 months????

Check up update: 15lb 5 oz 6kg 950g
25 inches 63.5cm

It's ok, let's celebrate!!

Here comes a smile!

Let's have some fun!!!

Just having some fun

A big hug to all of you

Going out in the cold

Getting ready to go X-mas shopping...
Is not it so cute?

I love you

My favorite people!!

I love you

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Isabella's first snow storm

Today, Sunday 12/06 was Isabella's first snow storm. Going to church.

Meeting Lucie

It was great seeing Chris, Allie and Lucie over Thanksgiving, we miss them so much...
Lucie is so grown up and so sweet! We wish they were closer.

The boys and their girls.

Someone did not like at all to see dad holding another baby...

We love you.


I like flowers

Humm, what is that?
I like it!! So pretty, thanks daddy.

Kevin's b-day

We went to Kevin's second b-day. Happy birthday big boy. Feliz Aniversario!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


This week Isabella got this hat as a present but we don't know who is the sender... Thank you very much, it is so cute!!!

3 Months!!! Hurray!!!!

Today Isabella is turning 3 months old. We are so happy!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Enjoying the weather

We have done some good stuff this past weeks but sorry, no pics...We had a great dinner at Mimi's and Papi's house in honor of Tio Zeze and Tia Jussara, we went to a party at Jesse's house(it was great seeing our good friends) and we kind of watched the Halloween parade in Charlestown.
We can not complain about the has been very pleasant. On Monday we met Rosani and Matthew for a walk along the Charles River.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

2 Months Old!!!

I can't believe that she is already 2 months old! She looks like a big girl to us. Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift. Thank you for her smile, for her cry, for every little noise she makes, for every single look she gives us. Thank you for putting her in our lives and for teaching us what deep and uncondicional love is. We love you Isabella, forever.